Department to prevent radicalization, exploitation of human resources, misguiding people, monitoring religious activities etc.

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  • Department to prevent radicalization, exploitation of human resources, misguiding people, monitoring religious activities etc.

Department to prevent radicalization, exploitation of human resources, misguiding people, monitoring religious activities etc.

Extremist groups and some of the organizations in the name of religion are involved in radicalization activities. They invite and woo weak minded people and radicalize them to make use of in their destructive activities. These organizations are getting huge funds from large corporates, governments, religious centres etc. Most of them have vested interests in promoting radical groups.

Many of them use this radicalized members of the organization as suicide bombers. Some of them are used in mass killing activities, human trafficking etc. Such incidents display their strength and presence in the society. They are involved in various types of illegal, immoral and inhuman activities like:

  1. Mass killing of innocent people
  2. Mass killing and kidnapping students
  3. Human trafficking to make use of them in illegal activities
  4. Kidnapping of girls for sexual exploitation
  5. Killing youngsters for making money by harvesting human organs for the ever-growing and ever-demanding organ transplantation market. Fresh human organs of youngsters are made available by this group. Atleast 29 different body parts are used for organ transplantation. Kids from orphanages, schools, devotees of the group are used for this purpose depending on the demand and availability.
  6. Some of the religious centres are involved in exploiting human resources for their selfish motives of amassing wealth, fame and popularity in the name of God. They make them inactive, incompetent and then make use of them to fulfill their narrow-minded selfish objectives in the name of service. Most of these centres are distributing drugs and other intoxicating agents.
  7. People engaging in evil practices to influence others for their vested interests and short-term gains like looting other’s wealth, illegal sexual activities, taking revenge on others, to satisfy their jealous on other’s growth, sadistic pleasure etc. are all (people practicing evil practices, people taking benefits from such evil practices and the people who are supporting them) are permanent liabilities to the Holy Nature. They have no right to be alive in the new regime of administration. They will be awarded with death sentence with the enforcement of the new regime of administration. Henceforth people eyeing on somebody’s wealth, somebody’s prosperity, somebody’s richness, somebody’s hard earned money will be under the vigilance of the invisible forces of the Nature because they are wasting their precious God-given time, energy and talents. No shortcut methods for prosperity. You have to struggle, put in your best effort and be contended with what you gain. Focus on yourself and your activities. You stand to loose what is available with you by engaging in such wrong practices. This must be taken as a strong warning. Violators of this guideline will be inviting serious consequences and punishments.
  8. The department must target these groups and take strict actions against them. Such organizations are to be banned and punish all of their leaders with nothing less than capital punishment. You don’t have to worry about any politicians supporting them anymore. If you don’t do your job sincerely and without any leniency or compromise, you also will have to face punishment.

The department must closely monitor all kinds of religious activities like:

  1. Use of loudspeakers must be banned completely. Their voice should not come out of the building. They should be taught the significance of silence. Their loud utterances will henceforth invite punishments.
  2. Closely monitor their activities and their ideologies.
  3. Their involvement in illegal activities must be investigated. Their financial inflow and expenditure are to be scanned. Their lifestyle, if doubtful, must be questioned.
  4. Do they make use of their religious buildings to hide criminals or people involved in illegal activities or immoral activities?
  5. Monitor whether they are involved in practices that are completely against human rights.

These religious groups are worser than terrorist groups. They must be brought into books and make sure that they are behind bars.

The department head must convene meetings with senior officials of the department and make a complete draft of rules, regulations and by-law of each and every function of the department. This is 100% required for the smooth functioning of the department. You must ensure that these by-laws are framed in accordance with the fundamental guidelines of the new regime of administration. All the existing rules and regulations of the department will automatically become null and void with the introduction of the new regime of administration. All employees must follow the new rules and regulations in letter and spirit without fail.

The draft must be framed 100% in accordance with the guidelines of the new regime of administration and forward the same to HR department, who will go through the draft and re-confirm all aspects of the by-laws including the man power requirement. HR department has to reconfirm that the rules and regulations are not contradicting with the fundamental guidelines of the new regime of administration and put up the same to the head of the nation for final approval. The approved draft thereafter becomes a rule, regulation and by-law of the department. This must be done on a war-footing basis. The entire process must be completed within a time limit of 122 days from the date of enforcement of the new regime of administration. The final approved rules and regulations of the department will be the new constitution of the new regime of administration for the department. The process of incorporating any changes, amendments, alterations, additions or deletions can be suggested by the head of the department at a later stage and the same has to be forwarded to HR department for scrutiny and should be sent to the head of the nation for ratification. A printed copy of this new constitution has to be given to all senior officials within the department and a copy each to all other heads of the departments for their reference.

Violation of the above guidelines will result in nothing less than death warrant. The invisible forces of Nature are tracing and tracking every moment of all of you. Do not take any risk of violating the guidelines of the new regime of administration. It will be at the cost of your life.

All the corrupted people will have to face death warrant punishment, if they do not make use of the final chance to escape from the punishment as provided in Amnesty scheme.

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