Roles and responsibilities of the Head of the nation

Roles and responsibilities of the Head of the nation

Head of the nation is the representative of a sovereign nation. Head of the nation symbolizes the unity and integrity of the nation at home and abroad. Head of the nation is overall responsible for managing the following activities in the new regime of administration apart from many others.

  1. The Head of the nation must ensure that the nation is run smoothly under the new regime of administration.
  2. The Head of the nation assumes office by taking an oath in the name of God as per the given format.
  3. The present Head of the nation occupying the office before the enforcement of the new regime of administration can continue as a caretaker Head of the nation until the remaining period of elected term, provided the Head of the nation is willing to discharge all responsibilities as per the new regime of administration.
  4. The election department must conduct election to elect the new Head of the nation by the end of the period. The winner if acquires 50% + 1 vote becomes eligible as Head of the nation. The term for Head of the nation will be for a period of 5 years. The present Head of the nation if not willing to continue as Head of the nation with the enforcement of the new regime of administration, he/she can resign from the post and election is to be conducted immediately by the election department.
  5. If the Head of the nation is not willing to accept the responsibilities as Head of the nation under the new regime of administration and if he/she not willing to resign from the post, the Head of the nation should be instantly considered as terminated from the post. The head of the department of law and order must arrest the person. Chief justice of Supreme court will be the Head of the nation in that interim period. In case the Chief justice of Supreme court is not eligible or not available, the responsibility of Head of the nation will be entrusted to the Head of Revenue department during the interim period.
  6. Election department must conduct election to elect the new Head of the nation. The unwilling, agitating and arrested Ex-Head of the nation will be awarded with death sentence for disobeying the fundamental guidelines of the new regime of administration.
  7. The resignation of the Ex-Head of the nation must be forwarded to the Chief justice of Supreme court and if the Chief justice of the Supreme court is temporarily absent, the resignation letter must be forwarded to the Head of the Revenue department.
  8. Maximum time permitted to take oath and assume the charge of the office as new Head of the nation is 30 days from the date of enforcement of the new regime of administration, in the case of caretaker Head of the nation.
  9. The Head of the nation must follow the fundamental guidelines given in the new regime of administration in letter and spirit without fail.
  10. The Head of the nation, under the new regime of administration must discharge the following responsibilities reposed in the post by the constitution of new regime of administration.
  11. The Head of the nation can remove any non performing Head of the department if the Head of the department is not performing for more than 2 years. Disciplinary action can be taken in case some issues of misbehavior or inappropriate behavior. HR department will be in-charge for initiating such actions as per the advice of the Head of the nation. In the case of action against HR department, Revenue department head will initiate the above actions as per the advice of the Head of the nation. However, a performing Head of the department cannot be removed by the Head of the nation.
  12. The Head of the nation shall scrutinize and approve the by-laws of all departments forwarded by HR department. All these activities must be done on a war-footing basis. The entire process must be completed within a time limit of 122 days from the date of enforcement of the new regime of administration.
  13. The fundamental guidelines and principles of the new regime of administration is published in the official website of M/s. Gurukripa Enterprises
  14. The fundamental guidelines and principles of the new regime of administration along with the combined and approved by-laws of all the departments will be the new constitution for the nation.
  15. The process of incorporating any changes, amendments, alterations, additions or deletions can be suggested by the head of the department at a later stage and the same has to be forwarded to HR department for scrutiny and should be sent to the Head of the nation for ratification.
  16. After approval, the new constitution of the nation should be printed and circulated to all the departments and to all the senior officials of the departments.
  17. The book of the new constitution must be respected as a Holy book and any one disgracing the Holy book will be punished with a minimum of 2 years imprisonment.
  18. Copy of the new constitution to be forwarded to the Head of United Nations by the Head of the nation.
  19. The Holy book (The Supreme constitution) front cover page:
    1. Front cover page design to be printed on the Holy book of The Supreme Constitution is given below. Do not make any change, modifications, or deletions in this design.
    2. Incorporate the official flag of United Nations Organization, Official name of the nation and official flag of the nation to be incorporated in the allocated respective spaces.
    3. Back cover page of the Holy book of The Supreme Constitution should be as given below.
    4. No message or pictures other than this is allowed.
  20. All matters published in the website regarding the New Regime of Administration need to be incorporated in The Holy book of the constitution along with the finalized and approved by-laws of each department of the nation.
  21. The rules, regulations and constitutions of the nation before the enforcement of the new regime of administration will automatically become null and void.
  22. The Head of the nation has no permission to follow rules, regulations, principles and practices of the earlier constitutions of the nation.
  23. In case of democratic nations as per the present Federal system or equivalent systems, caretaker Head of the nation will be the President of nation or equivalent. Prime minister cannot be considered as Head of the nation as he/she is only prime person among the ministers.
  24. The Head of the nation must convene joint and individual meetings with the head of the departments atleast once in a quarter and review the progress of the department.
  25. Issues related to the subjects of national and international importance should be covered in the meetings.
  26. Review the progress of the nation on the following main matters in addition to many other relevant issues.
    1. Electricity generation from 100% eco-friendly renewable sources. Target to be fixed to produce energy and preserve energy.
    2. Afforestation campaign :- Review the progress as per the fixed target of 65% of the land area. Presently covered forest area and forest area proposed to be developed, with time-bound programs must be reviewed from time to time.
    3. Progress made on reaching the target to establish self-sufficient farm villages.
    4. Time required to reach the target.
    5. Developmental activities of the nation already undertaken and already underway and proposed to be taken in future during the term period of the Head of the nation.
    6. Review the progress of waste management units installations, both organic and bio non degradable wastes.
    7. Head of the nation should report to Head of UN atleast once in 6 months and during emergencies.
    8. Action plan to reduce pollution.
    9. Action taken to reduce green gas emissions.
  27. Head of the nation must submit minutes of the review meetings to the Head of UN. This report must have details of progress made on all areas.
  28. UN should forward a brief description of the progress nation-wise to M/s. Gurukripa Enterprises once in a year.
  29. The Head of the nation will have a secretariat consisting of a chief secretary and few secretaries, not exceeding 20 members. HR department will have to make a plan for these portfolios of each secretary and others working under Head of the nation.
  30. Non performance of the nation will be considered as non performance of the Head of the nation.
  31. Interference of UN will be there if the Head of the nation is ineffective and inefficient for the post. Based on the UN’s recommendation, that Head of the nation will be removed from the post. However, UN must get approval from M/s. Gurukripa Enterprises for that.
  32. A terminated Head of the nation by UN is debarred from election for the post of Head of the nation life-long.
  33. Violation of these guidelines will be considered as disgrace of the new regime of administration and will invite death sentence. The invisible forces of Nature are tracing and tracking every moment of all of you. Do not take any risk of violating the guidelines of the new regime of administration. It will be at the cost of your life.
  34. All the corrupted people including the Head of the nation will have to face death warrant punishment, if they do not make use of the final chance to escape from the punishment as provided in Amnesty scheme.

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