Department for food safety

Department for food safety

Food safety department is one of the most inefficient departments all over. They fail to control adulteration, over use of food preservatives, not keeping up hygiene standards, safe disposal of organic food waste, usage of highly poisonous and dangerous chemical preservatives etc. They do practically nothing to control food wastage. Thousands of people are getting affected due to food poisoning in every city on a daily basis. Some are even dying due to food poisoning. Many of such cases are hidden from the public notice.

The department is having food inspectors to assess the quality of food. Most of them are closing their eyes, compromising all food safety standards and guidelines. They are engaged mostly in calculating their bribe.

The department must stop all this nonsense. The department must terminate all irresponsible officials from the services. The department must address the following matters on priority:

  1. Check all hotels and restaurants and take account of all perishable food items cooked and uncooked.
  2. Destroy the cooked food that is more than 24 hrs after it is cooked. Arrest the owner and put the person behind bars immediately. It will be a non-bailable arrest. File the case against the firm and close down all their operations.
  3. If the premises is not having minimum hygiene standard, close down the shop with immediate effect. There is no point in giving advices to them and that is not your job.
  4. This is applicable to even multi-starred hotels and all places where food is prepared and served.
  5. Abolish all types of chemical food preservatives including tinned food. Close down all manufacturing factories producing chemical food preservatives.
  6. Ban use of chemical preservatives to prevent decaying of fish/meat. Arrest the culprit if found any traces of hazardous chemicals like formalin etc.
  7. Arrest the officials if they are hesitating to take actions against defaulters. The divisional heads should take action against officials based on inner departmental enquiry reports from vigilance department.
  8. No food outlets should be allowed to function without license. Take immediate action against all officials who are found guilty and enjoy free services, facilities of hotels and food shops.
  9. Issue guidelines to public. Educate them to minimize food wastage.
  10. Educate public how to preserve food items using 100% organic methods.
  11. The department must have research team to invent new methods of food preservation without using chemical preservatives. You can approach M/s. Gurukripa Enterprises for such technologies.
  12. Take action on those who are engaged in selling adulterated food grains using chemical preservatives, adding harmful substances, adding chemical colors or to increase weight etc. All unnatural chemical elements like artificial colors, aroma, preservatives are to be declared illegal.

Usage of chemical preservatives are causing fatal diseases like cancer, dementia, rheumatism, parkinsonism, cardiac issues etc. This also will affect the functions of the brain adversely.

The department head must convene meetings with senior officials of the department and make a complete draft of rules, regulations and by-law of each and every function of the department. This is 100% required for the smooth functioning of the department. You must ensure that these by-laws are framed in accordance with the fundamental guidelines of the new regime of administration. All the existing rules and regulations of the department will automatically become null and void with the introduction of the new regime of administration. All employees must follow the new rules and regulations in letter and spirit without fail.

The draft must be framed 100% in accordance with the guidelines of the new regime of administration and forward the same to HR department, who will go through the draft and re-confirm all aspects of the by-laws including the man power requirement. HR department has to reconfirm that the rules and regulations are not contradicting with the fundamental guidelines of the new regime of administration and put up the same to the head of the nation for final approval. The approved draft thereafter becomes a rule, regulation and by-law of the department. This must be done on a war-footing basis. The entire process must be completed within a time limit of 122 days from the date of enforcement of the new regime of administration. The final approved rules and regulations of the department will be the new constitution of the new regime of administration for the department. The process of incorporating any changes, amendments, alterations, additions or deletions can be suggested by the head of the department at a later stage and the same has to be forwarded to HR department for scrutiny and should be sent to the head of the nation for ratification. A printed copy of this new constitution has to be given to all senior officials within the department and a copy each to all other heads of the departments for their reference.

Violation of the above guidelines will result in nothing less than death warrant. The invisible forces of Nature are tracing and tracking every moment of all of you. Do not take any risk of violating the guidelines of the new regime of administration. It will be at the cost of your life.

All the corrupted people will have to face death warrant punishment, if they do not make use of the final chance to escape from the punishment as provided in Amnesty scheme.

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