Oath specimen for all government officials

Oath specimen for all government officials

The below oath is to be sworn by all government employees including Head of the Nation, Head of United Nations, all officials of United Nations and all employees of all departments before assuming the duties of the office.

The oath should be sworn in the presence of:

  1. In the presence of the Head of the department or the senior most person available in the department in case of employees of the department.
  2. In the presence of Head of the nation in case of Department heads.
  3. In the presence of Chief justice of Supreme Court of the country in the case of Head of the nation.
  4. In the presence of Head of United Nations in the case of employees of United Nations.
  5. In the presence of officials of M/s. Gurukripa Enterprises in the case of Head of United Nations.


The officials while swearing oath should hold the printed book of the new constitution of the country on the new regime of administration in the right hand in the case of male, in the left hand in the case of female, and in both hands in case of trans-genders.

Oath specimen for swearing by all government officials

I, <name of the individual>, bearing identification number <ID number of the individual> do swear in the name of God, “The Holy Almighty Nature”, that I will faithfully follow, implement and execute The Supreme Commandments and guidelines accorded by “The Almighty Holy Nature” as mentioned in The Supreme Constitution on “The new regime of administration” as published by “M/s. Gurukripa Enterprises – A humble servant and representative of The Almighty Holy Nature”, and discharge the functions, duties, roles and responsibilities of  <role of the official>  of <name of the nation> to the best of my ability. I will devote myself to the service and well-being of the people of <name of the nation>.

No additions or deletions are allowed in this.

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