Death warrant – Batch 8

Law and order

Death warrant – Batch 8

New guidelines for establishing law and order without discriminationissued by the Supreme order of “The Almighty Holy Mother Nature”.

  • Date of issuance of this pronouncement: 15th Aug 2022, 8 PM IST
  • Date of implementation of this new pronouncement: 3rd Dec 2022, 8 PM IST
  • This order will be in force all over the world with effect from: 3rd Dec 2022, 8 PM IST
  • Due date of punishment: 16th Feb 2025, 3.30 PM IST

Law and order situation in most of the nations, including the developed nations is deteriorating day by day. This is happening on account of various reasons. To count a few:

  1. Inefficiency of investigation agencies and intelligence network
  2. Unjustifiable delay in commencing and completing the investigation
  3. Protection extended to culprits/criminals from high influential, vested interested politicians, bureaucrats, business groups and high-profile advocates
  4. Deterioration of moral values in parents in the family and in the society
  5. Inefficient judges and the judicial system
  6. Unjustifiable delay due to complicated, unwarranted legal processes and procedures
  7. Poverty, high living cost and high cost of basic necessities of life
  8. Radicalization and extremism promoted by vested interest
  9. Absence of proper laws and regulations. Existing laws are framed with many loopholes
  10. Ignorance and unawareness of the laws and punishments among the general public

Un-delayed justice without discrimination should be the fundamental principle and responsibility of law-making and law-enforcing authorities. They must understand the truth that justice delayed is justice denied.

Governments of all nations are primarily responsible to protect citizens of their country from all types of exploitations and threats, including safe-guarding their lives, their movable and immovable properties, their honour and their individualities. Government needs to ensure that citizens live without fear of exploitation, and they have sufficient freedom to express their views, their talents, seek their chosen livelihood, conduct their business within the framework of allowable limit so that this would not lead to anarchy. Too many restrictions or too little restrictions adversely affect law and order situation.

No one should be allowed to take law into their hands and start clashing with each other unless it is a very rare circumstance of sudden, unplanned and unexpected life-threatening situation. People should have high-level of confidence in the law-enforcing authorities who are supposed to discharge their duties without partiality and without discrimination. They should be unbiased and unprejudiced while enforcing the implementation of law and order. Law and order department of the government should be given sufficient freedom to perform their duties. Governments’ influence, interference should be restricted only on policy matters and performance appraisal to evaluate the efficiency of the department. Interference of governments or other influential bureaucrats in the day-to-day activities of the investigation agencies will be treated as a criminal offense.

The following policy guidelines shall be adopted, included and enforced henceforth by all governments within the date of implementation of this pronouncement.

  1. Laws should be framed in such a way that citizens are dissuaded from committing crimes. Punishments should commensurate with seriousness of the offenses.
  2. All crime investigations should be over within 5 months and the judgement shall be delivered within a month thereafter ensuring no innocent person is punished.
  3. Investigation agencies and officials should be well-equipped and well trained to find out the truth in the reported crimes and lodged complaints.
  4. No leniency/exemptions shall be given to culprits based on age, gender, mental status, their positions, ranks, physical limitations, caste, creed, nationality, race etc.
  5. No government shall have the authority to release a contempt culprit from the prison who has committed heinous crimes.
  6. No government has the authority to abolish death penalty. You must understand that culprits who have committed grave offenses have no right to enjoy Natural resources like water, fire, air, food and space.
  7. Capital punishment of death sentence shall be imposed to those who have committed offenses and eligible for punishment equivalent to seven years imprisonment or above as per the existing penal code.
  8. Existing laws should be amended or modified to accommodate all the above policies by the date of implementation of this pronouncement.
  9. There shall be no provision for appeal in the case of awarding death sentence by any court.
  10. Advocates taken up advocacy to defend criminals who have already committed heinous crimes for the sake of money or personal benefits are committing more offenses than the culprit. Invisible forces of the Nature will punish them along with their families. Advocates should appear for cases to help the innocent to prove their innocence and not to save the culprits to escape from punishments. If you are saving culprits from death sentence, you will be awarded with death sentence by the forces of the Nature.
  11. No lifetime imprisonment will be allowed henceforth. Existing criminals who have been already awarded lifetime imprisonment and presently in jail shall be executed with death sentence within the due date.
  12. Criminals who have been convicted with imprisonment of 7 years or more and presently in jail must be executed on completion of the 7th year.
  13. Politicians, corporates, other vested interest groups who are involved in giving protection to criminals shall be punished with death sentence, and their family members/legal heirs who enjoy the property of the deceased must remit 80% of their entire movable and immovable properties of the cursed person in Option1 or Option 2 towards remedial measures to avoid punishments.
  14. Special laws shall be made and implemented by all governments to punish those who have tortured, exploited, physically abused, sexually abused etc innocent children, girls, ladies and elderly citizens. The culprit should be given death penalty if the offender has committed crime and eligible for 4 years or more imprisonment as per the present penal code. There shall be no provision for making appeal in such cases. All investigations should be completed and death penalty shall be imposed to the culprits within 90 days of lodging the complaint.
  15. If anyone is taking undue advantage of the revised laws those are framed to protect the citizens, protect the under-privileged, protect the weaker section of the society, protect the ignorant and innocent people; who are misleading the investigation agency, misleading the judicial system and able to escape from the punishments or put some innocent people in trouble, will be singled out by the forces of the Nature and imposed with irrevocable death sentence. However refer The only solution to escape from the punishment of irrevocable death sentence.

If the police is intentionally not registering the complaint, the police station in-charge official shall be imposed with death penalty. The complainant can lodge complaint directly to the court if there is inaction from police even after the 3rd day of lodging the written complaint.

Governments all over the world must constitute panel of experts and make suitable amendments and modifications by incorporating all the above new guidelines into their constitutions within the due date mentioned in this pronouncement. Violators of these instructions will be punished with death sentence. All members of law-making bodies will have to face the consequences and punishments.

All of you must understand that invisible Natural forces are tracing and tracking every moment of your life. You will be accountable for all your inappropriate actions and actions that are against the instructions issued by the Supreme Almighty Holy Mother Nature. Your foolishness or over-smartness will be at the cost of your life itself. Do not waste your time in worthless discussions and debates. Your over-smartness and unproductive arguments will lead to nothing but a miserable end of your life itself. Those who indulge in criticisms and create confusions among the general public will be punished with serious illness and failure of internal organs.

Date of issuance of this pronouncement:  15th Aug 2022, 8 PM IST
Date of implementation of this new pronouncement:  3rd Dec 2022, 8 PM IST
This order will be in force all over the world with effect from: 3rd Dec 2022, 8 PM IST
Due date of punishment: 16th Feb 2025, 3.30 PM IST
People committing such offenses after the date of implementation of this pronouncement: Those who are committing the offense after the date of implementation of this pronouncement will not have any remedial option and will be eligible for due punishment.
In case the demise of primary cursed individual is on or before the date and time of “date of implementation of this pronouncement”:  Due date for remitting unpaid liability of the demised primary cursed individual by the descendants/legal heirs in Option 1 or Option 2 remedial measures:
Descendants/legal heirs/whoever is enjoying the property of the demised primary cursed individual should remit a minimum of 40% of the value of the inherited movable and immovable assets/properties from the demised primary cursed individual within 30 days from the date and time of implementation of this pronouncement.
Defaulters of this rule will have same punishment as that of the primary cursed individual.
In case the demise of primary cursed individual is after the date and time of “date of implementation of this pronouncement”:  Due date for remitting unpaid liability of the demised primary cursed individual by the descendants/legal heirs in Option 1 or Option 2 remedial measures:
Descendants/legal heirs/whoever is enjoying the property of the demised primary cursed individual should remit a minimum of 40% of the value of the inherited movable and immovable assets/properties from the demised primary cursed individual within 30 days of the demise of the primary cursed individual.
Defaulters of this rule will have same punishment as that of the primary cursed individual.
Intentional or unintentional false calculations of the liable amount will attract punishment. Present market value should be considered in such estimations.

The above decisions have been received from The Almighty Holy Mother Nature and communicated to all through this media. Nevertheless, you will be kept updated of any amendments.

We neither expect nor entertain any reply to this pronouncement.

Acharai Shri Barat Venkit,

A humble servant and representative of “The Almighty Holy Mother Nature”, and Scholar of Ateendriya Ancient Science.

Date of issuance: 15th Aug 2022, 8 PM IST

Trivandrum, India

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