Death warrant – Batch 9


Death warrant – Batch 9

Pronouncement of new mining rules and regulations issued by the Supreme order of “The Almighty Holy Mother Nature”

  • Date of issuance of this pronouncement: 15th Aug 2022, 8 PM IST
  • Date of implementation of this new pronouncement: 8th Dec 2022, 8 PM IST
  • This order will be in force all over the world with effect from: 8th Dec 2022, 8 PM IST
  • Due date of punishment: 16th Feb 2025, 3.30 PM IST

The below pronouncement is issued to the attention of all those listed companies of batch 9 (mentioned below) and to all those who are engaged in mining activities all over the world, as per the Supreme order of The Almighty Holy Mother Nature. Henceforth all the violators will be condemned to death.

15th Aug 2022, 8 PM IST,

Trivandrum, India.

To the attention of all the listed companies of batch 9 and to all those who are involved in mining activities all over the world.

Subject: Pronouncement of new mining rules and regulations issued by the Supreme order of “The Almighty Holy Mother Nature”. This commandment shall be in force with effect from 8th Dec 2022 all over the world. Irrevocable death sentence will be imposed to all violators.

Exploitation of Natural resources:

Large-scale exploitation of Natural resources is taking place all over the world unearthing metals, minerals, coal, stones, oil, gas etc without knowing the seriousness and disastrous impact on the planet. You drill Earth kilometres deep down without any restrictions for extracting precious Natural resources for your luxury and comforts. This is going on at thousands of locations simultaneously 24×7 to fulfil the ever-greedy demands of some dirty human beings with devilish minds. Fossil fuels are excavated from kilometres deep down and burnt for producing energy which is polluting our atmosphere, water and soil.

Most of these oil rigs are located in oceans. Leaking oil into sea water has become a matter of routine, creating colossal environmental damage. No man-made rules and regulations are there to control them, to question them, to hold them accountable and punish them. No system has been designed to take account of large-scale damage in such contempt activities. The so-called authorities bow their heads in front of these hi-power barons and mafia kings. They control everything and everywhere. Their benamis are the judges, governments, bureaucrats, police and others etc.

This situation cannot be allowed to be continued and shall be arrested immediately. Colossal damage is inflicted to the planet on all areas in addition to soil, water and atmospheric pollution, reaching its peak along with sound, radiation and dust pollution. They destroy forests for mining large-scale metals and minerals. This reckless mining is causing imbalance on the planet which may result to many Natural calamities and even the biggest catastrophe of upside-down phenomenon. This phenomenon has been predicted based on the present rate of pollution on various accounts. For details regarding this prediction, refer the book “Radiation of multiple internal and external forces in you” published by M/s. Gurukripa Enterprises. Nevertheless, this event can take place prior to the predicted date with substantial increase of pollution from the present rate.

All of you must understand the reality that everything on Earth is limited. There is nothing unlimited here including air and water. You have already unearthed most of the items beyond the permissible limit. You must find out alternate solutions for the survival and development of humanity. Genuine scientists must come together and work together to get faster solutions instead of wasting time in worthless unproductive arguments and theories. The Holy Nature will not allow anyone of you to further continue this practice of reckless mining any longer.

New mining rules & regulations and punishment for non-compliance:

Rule no. 1: Mining prohibitions

All mining activities exceeding 100 ft. depth from sea level (other than mentioned in Rule no. 3) are prohibited henceforth with effect from the date of implementation of this pronouncement. However, considering the necessity and non-availability of eco-friendly alternatives, especially in power-generation and construction industries, a grace period of 60 days is permitted for mining to find alternative solutions.

Mining is permitted during this grace period provided:

  1. A request application need to be forwarded to M/s. Gurukripa Enterprises by the governments or appropriate authorities and obtain prior approval.
  2. 80% of the market value of the mined products shall be remitted by the mining companies management /governments in Option 1 or Option 2 remedial measures.
  3. This clause is not applicable beyond the grace period. No mining should take place beyond the grace period in violation of the new mining rules. Permissions issued by governments or authorities surpassing this rule will have no value, and issuing authorities of these permissions in contradiction to this decision of The Almighty will have to bear the consequences of misleading the general public.

All others connected with the mining industry (details given in Rule 2) shall remit 80% of their gross income like salaries and all other benefits earned from such companies in Option 1 or Option 2 remedial measures within the due date of punishment mentioned in this pronouncement. Irrevocable death sentence will be imposed on non-compliance and violators of the new mining rules and regulations. There are some options available for eco-friendly energy production with M/s. Gurukripa Enterprises. Details can be found at Life-saving projects

Rule no. 2: Cursed individuals belonging to mining companies

The company management, employees, ex-employees, shareholders, dealers, distributors, workers, office bearers and all others directly or indirectly financially benefitted who are/ were involved in mining activities shall remit 80% of their total earnings received by way of gross income, salaries, commissions, bonus, incentives and other incomes etc in Option1 or Option 2 remedial measures within the due date. However, there is no remedial measure for individuals who continue to be in service of mining industries after the grace period in violation of the new mining rules . Violators will be punished with nothing less than death sentence. The liable amount of the deceased will have to be remitted by their legal heirs within 90 days of their death.

Rule no. 3:

All mining activities henceforth shall be restricted to a maximum depth of 100 ft. The Almighty Nature will not allow you to take even a gram of these resources beyond the deadline. Violators will succumb to instant death along with their spouses, descendants and associates. Your foolishness or over-smartness will be at the cost of your life itself. However, this rule is not applicable to the following:

  1. Mining of gold
  2. Mining of silver
  3. Mining of copper
  4. Mining of aluminium
  5. Digging bore-well for water

Mining can be moderately done adhering to the rules and regulations of the local authorities on areas above the sea level and up to a maximum depth of 100 ft. below the sea level.


  1. The above rules are applicable to all those listed cursed companies and also to all those who are engaged in mining activities all over the world, though their names do not appear in this list.
  2. Companies/ governments having reserve stock of mined products:- The above rules are applicable to all those companies/ nations already having accumulated reserve stock of the mined products. They must remit the amount in Option 1 or Option 2 remedial measures before they start using it.

All of you must understand that invisible Natural forces are tracing and tracking every moment of your life. You will be accountable for all your inappropriate actions and actions that are against the instructions issued by the Supreme Almighty Holy Mother Nature. Your foolishness or over-smartness will be at the cost of your life itself. Do not waste your time in worthless discussions and debates. Your over-smartness and unproductive arguments will lead to nothing but a miserable end of your life itself. Those who indulge in criticisms and create confusions among the general public will be punished with serious illness and failure of internal organs.

However refer The only solution to escape from the punishment of irrevocable death sentence.

Date of issuance of this pronouncement:  15th Aug 2022, 8 PM IST
Date of implementation of this new pronouncement:  8th Dec 2022, 8 PM IST
This order will be in force all over the world with effect from: 8th Dec 2022, 8 PM IST
Due date of punishment: 16th Feb 2025, 3.30 PM IST
People who have committed such offenses prior to the date of issuance of this pronouncement in order to escape from the punishment as a remedial measure: Must remit a minimum of 40% of the value of his/her entire movable and immovable assets/properties in Option1 or Option 2 remedial measures within 30 days from the date of implementation of this pronouncement.
Due date of remittance of liable amount in Option 1 or Option 2 as a remedial measure to escape from the punishment for the crimes committed from the date of issuance of this pronouncement till the date of implementation of this pronouncement:  People who have committed crimes and fall into this category must remit a minimum of 40% of the value of his/her entire movable and immovable assets/properties on or before 8 PM IST of the due date of implementation of this pronouncement.
People committing such offenses after the date of implementation of this pronouncement: Those who are committing the offense after the date of implementation of this pronouncement will not have any remedial option and will be eligible for due punishment.
In case the demise of primary cursed individual is on or before the date and time of “date of implementation of this pronouncement”:  Due date for remitting unpaid liability of the demised primary cursed individual by the descendants/legal heirs in Option 1 or Option 2 remedial measures:
Descendants/legal heirs/whoever is enjoying the property of the demised primary cursed individual should remit a minimum of 40% of the value of the inherited movable and immovable assets/properties from the demised primary cursed individual within 90 days from the date and time of implementation of this pronouncement.
Defaulters of this rule will have same punishment as that of the primary cursed individual.
In case the demise of primary cursed individual is after the date and time of “date of implementation of this pronouncement”:  Due date for remitting unpaid liability of the demised primary cursed individual by the descendants/legal heirs in Option 1 or Option 2 remedial measures:
Descendants/legal heirs/whoever is enjoying the property of the demised primary cursed individual should remit a minimum of 40% of the value of the inherited movable and immovable assets/properties from the demised primary cursed individual within 90 days of the demise of the primary cursed individual.
Defaulters of this rule will have same punishment as that of the primary cursed individual.
Intentional or unintentional false calculations of the liable amount will attract punishment. Present market value should be considered in such estimations.

The above decisions have been received from The Almighty Holy Mother Nature and communicated to all through this media. Nevertheless, you will be kept updated of any amendments.

We neither expect nor entertain any reply to this pronouncement.

Acharai Shri Barat Venkit,

A humble servant and representative of “The Almighty Holy Mother Nature”, and Scholar of Ateendriya Ancient Science.

Date of issuance: 15th Aug 2022, 8PM IST

Trivandrum, India

Below is the list of some of the cursed companies of batch 9 engaged in mining activities. It is important to note that the above-mentioned rules are also applicable to all others engaged in all kinds of mining activities all over the world.

Remedial measures for eligible individuals:

For details click here

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