Death warrant – Batch 2


Death warrant – Batch 2

Pronouncement of death sentence issued by “The Almighty Holy Mother Nature” to the corrupted individuals of the democratic nations

The below pronouncement is issued to the attention of all government officials (presently in service and retired) of all types of democratic nations all over the world.

15th Aug 2022, 8 PM IST,

Trivandrum, India.


All government officials (presently in service and retired) of all types of democratic nations all over the world – Batch 2

Subject: Pronouncement of death sentence to the corrupt government officials of democratic nations all over the world

  • Date of issuance of this pronouncement: 15th Aug 2022, 8 PM IST
  • Date of implementation of this new pronouncement: 9th Nov 2022, 8 PM IST
  • This order will be in force all over the world with effect from: 9th Nov 2022, 8 PM IST
  • Due date of punishment: 16th Feb 2025, 3.30 PM IST

Corruption gives birth to immorality:

Today it may be almost impossible to find a corrupt-free society in the world. Bribery, corruption and extortion have made in-roads to every nook and corner of the society all over. Immoral, illegal, dishonest corrupt practices have spread like a cancer that demand a surgical operation. Corruption begins basically at home. It is found between the parents, children and spread outside with intense force. Government officers, politicians, professionals, religious leaders, teachers, scientists etc are immersed in corruption.

Large-scale organized corruption is found in government sector. Most of them even think that it is their legal right to indulge in corrupt practises as they have already paid large sum to their higher-ups for getting appointed to the most attractive, favourable and suitable posts for large-scale corruption. Bribery, corruption and extortion, especially in government departments have become a new normal in the society. Percentage only differs from department to department. Tracing a corrupt-free individual may be very difficult or even impossible. Survival of such individual if any will be difficult as they have to face multiple and severe attacks from the collective forces of corrupt groups/unions. Corrupt-free individual thus belong to an endangered species in the society.

This dirty practice has given birth to a value-less immoral society. They compromise everything for the sake of undue favours, amassing wealth in cash, kind or valuable properties. They individually and collectively encourage lawlessness, immorality and illegal practices. The nexus between politicians, bureaucrats and business groups are so solid and strong. They support each other and come in rescue if anyone in the group is affected. Little value is given for merit, professionalism, dedication and commitment to the work. It is a kind of dictatorship prevailing in the government sectors by the corrupted groups.

Decayed democracy:

Corrupted people prefer democratic form of governments as the most desirable platform for their smooth activities of corrupted practices. Most of the democratically elected governments are not the true representatives of the majority, though it is said and taught that democracy is the rule of majority of the people. Acquiring a mandate of 30-35% will be sufficient to form a government. They are entitled to form the government and rule over 100% of the nation though the majority of the public are against them. The government in force has taken charge just because all others got less mandate than the ruling party. The ruling party can therefore comfortably ignore almost 70% of the public. Well-being of 30-35% of the public is more than enough to win any election even in future. Well-being of the majority is ignored and they become subject to all kinds of hardships. The government in power can therefore survive if their core group of 35% is kept happy and satisfied.

They amass wealth with all possible deals and transactions. They indulge in kick-backs, illegal favours, illegal approvals, illegal appointments, forgery, illegal reservations and benefits etc to their favoured loyalists. Nepotism prevails all over. They wear the mask of democracy and tell that the people are the masters and they are just servants. Democracy, therefore in theory is all fine but in practice is a miserable failure all over. It is a license to exploit people and take advantage of the innocent people. It gives authority without responsibility and liability.

Political parties taken charge of the office after winning the election for a limited period, represent the entire people of the nation just because they have more numbers than the opposite parties individually or jointly. It is nothing but an arithmetical gimmick. They call it as social engineering. Scope of manipulations, horse-trading, human-trading etc are played and displayed at its best during election time. This is happening more or less everywhere. All these practices are glorified in democracy. Once they are in power, they make all possible means to amass wealth. They encourage corrupt bureaucrats and promote them to suitable key posts for smooth and trouble-free operations. They will continue in power for 4 to 5 years. They take decisions which will have financial commitments and implications for many decades, though people have given them permission to rule and govern only for 4 to 5 years. Is it legally possible or permitted? No one will ask such unpleasant questions as benefit from such shady transactions will be shared and distributed proportionately to all leaders including the opposition. This situation will continue till the nation is over-burdened with debts and unable to proceed any longer, unable to pay wages, unable to borrow any further.

One should not think that except democracy, all other systems of governments are perfect and corruption-free. Lack of accountability in democratic system has promoted corruption and all other illegal practices. It is therefore decided to focus on democratically elected governments for the time being. Corruptions will be forcibly eradicated henceforth. Corruption, bribery, nepotism etc will not be permitted any longer. This is applicable to all democratically elected nation-heads by their citizens. It is also applicable to all democratic governments-in-power or semi-governing systems of the government, enjoying facilities, wages, authorities etc. In other words, it is applicable to all those working in government sector from sweeper to the country head, whether it is fully or partially owned by the government.

Date of implementation of this pronouncement is from 9th Nov 2022, 8 PM IST.

Anyone taking bribe will be imposed with death penalty with effect from the date of implementation of this pronouncement. Bribery can be described or defined as illegally accepting or soliciting an advantage in cash, kind or a favour. Death penalty will be imposed to all corrupt officials with effect from the date of implementation of this pronouncement. Corruption means abuse of power for private gain to acquire illicit benefits. Bribery and corruption are like two sides of a coin. Corrupt individuals are like poison in the society. They are self-damaging as well as damaging the society. Corrupt people perform and promote immoral or illegal acts for their personal gains and enjoyments. People who are in managerial positions and not taking appropriate actions against non-performers also come under the category of corruption as it is abuse of power and giving undue favour to corrupted people. A corrupt person is a criminal, a thief, a fraud and a burden to the society.

This objective of this purificatory action is to eliminate corrupted people from the society and re-establish a corrupt-free system. People who are giving bribes or inducing others to fall into the trap of corruption are very prevalent in the society. They also will be punished in future. This should be treated as last and final warning.

Sl. No.

Status of employment

Remedial action

Due date of punishment

Punishment for non-compliance


Employees in government service (part-time and full-time, temporary and permanent)

a) Remit 100% of the total value received through corruption prior to the date of implementation of this pronouncement in Option 1 or Option 2 remedial measures


b) Remit 85% of their salary earned as on date from the date of joining in Option 1 or Option 2 remedial measures

16th Feb 2025

Irrevocable death sentence


Retired government employees from service

Same as above

16th Feb 2025

Irrevocable death sentence


People who indulge in corruption even after the date of implementation of this pronouncement till the due date of punishment mentioned in this pronouncement

Same as above 

16th Feb 2025

Irrevocable death sentence


People who got appointed in government service with forged documents (applicable to both presently in service and retired)

Resign with immediate effect.

Remit the entire amount received as wages, bribes, incentives, bonus, commission, gifts, profits etc in Option 1 or Option 2 remedial measures

16th Feb 2025

Irrevocable death sentence


Officials who indulge in corruption after the due date of punishment of this pronouncement



Instant irrevocable death sentence


Note: Punishment of death penalty will be imposed on all those who fail to remit the liable amount in time. Their (primary cursed corrupted individual’s) liable amount will be passed on automatically to their spouses, descendants, legal heirs or whoever is enjoying their property if the primary cursed individual is no more. You cannot escape from the punishment even if there is a shortfall of 1 paisa of the due liable amount. Your fatal end may become a warning for all others working in similar field henceforth. Invisible Natural forces are tracing and tracking every moment of all of you. You will be accountable for all your actions.

Date of issuance of this pronouncement:  15th Aug 2022, 8 PM IST
Date of implementation of this new pronouncement:  9th Nov 2022, 8 PM IST
This order will be in force all over the world with effect from: 9th Nov 2022, 8 PM IST
Due date of punishment: 16th Feb 2025, 3.30 PM IST
In case the demise of primary cursed individual is on or before the date and time of “date of implementation of this pronouncement”:  Due date for remitting unpaid liability of the demised primary cursed individual by the descendants/legal heirs in Option 1 or Option 2 remedial measures:
Descendants/legal heirs/whoever is enjoying the property of the demised primary cursed individual should remit
1) the value of the entire liable amount inherited  from the demised primary cursed individual pertaining to wages, bribes, incentives, bonus, commission, profits, gifts, tangible and intangible assets etc of the demised primary cursed individual
2) a minimum of 40% of the value of the other inherited movable and immovable assets/properties from the demised primary cursed individual
3) 10% of the present property of the descendant/legal heir inclusive of all movable and immovable assets.
within 30 days from the date and time of implementation of this pronouncement.
Defaulters of this rule will have same punishment as that of the primary cursed individual.
In case the demise of primary cursed individual is after the date and time of “date of implementation of this pronouncement”:  Liable amount same as above.
Remit within 30 days of the demise of the primary cursed individual.
Defaulters of this rule will have same punishment as that of the primary cursed individual.
Intentional or unintentional false calculations of the liable amount will attract punishment. Present market value should be considered in such estimations.

The above decisions have been received from The Almighty Holy Mother Nature and communicated to all through this media. Nevertheless, you will be kept updated of any amendments.

We neither expect nor entertain any reply to this pronouncement.

Acharai Sri Barat Venkit,

A humble servant and representative of “The Almighty Holy Mother Nature”, and Scholar of Ateendriya Ancient Science.

Date of issuance: 15th Aug 2022, 8 PM IST

Trivandrum, India

Remedial measures for eligible individuals:

For details click here

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