Death warrant – Batch 4

tree cutting

Death warrant – Batch 4

Pronouncement of irrevocable death sentence for all those who cut/uproot/cause permanent damage to grown up trees – issued by the supreme order of “The Almighty Holy Mother Nature”.

  • Date of issuance of this pronouncement: 15th Aug 2022, 8 PM IST
  • Date of implementation of this new pronouncement: 9th Nov 2022, 8 PM IST
  • This order will be in force all over the world with effect from: 9th Nov 2022, 8 PM IST
  • Due date of punishment: 16th Feb 2025, 3.30 PM IST

Cutting/uprooting/causing permanent damage to grown-up trees are banned with effect from the date of implementation of this pronouncement onwards all over the world forever. All those who are responsible for this crime will be punished with irrevocable death sentence. The punishment shall be imposed and implemented by the forces of the Nature from the date of implementation of this pronouncement. Punishment will be applicable to all those who are involved in cutting/uprooting/causing permanent damage to trees, issues orders to cut trees, gives permission to cut trees, gives silent/unofficial permission to cut trees.

Henceforth no one will have the authority to cut any tree irrespective of where it stands. Grown-up trees are those that are a minimum of 5 years old or with stem/trunk size of 25 inches circumference or more. Similarly grown-up branch of a tree also shall not be cut that are of 25 inches circumference or more. However, removing branches of trees that are less than 25 inches circumference should not affect the main tree at any cost. This order is applicable to everyone all over the world, including governments/governing bodies.

In order to cut 1 grown-up tree or grownup branch of a tree, one has to plant a minimum of 10 saplings of same family tree, 10 years in advance and ensure that they are growing without any damage, and also obtain license from the forest department before cutting. The forest department officials must evaluate 10-year’s growth of these newly planted saplings and get satisfactory report from the experts before issuing license to cut the tree for which the application has been forwarded.

Who will be punished in case governments or governing bodies issues orders to cut grown up trees in violation of the above declared rules?

  1. Officials who have issued orders to cut grown up trees
  2. Officials who have given permission to issue such orders
  3. The department head of forest and all who are engaged in cutting trees

There is no remedial measure for this criminal offense. However refer The only solution to escape from the punishment of irrevocable death sentence.

Date of issuance of this pronouncement:  15th Aug 2022, 8 PM IST
Date of implementation of this new pronouncement:  9th Nov 2022, 8 PM IST
This order will be in force all over the world with effect from: 9th Nov 2022, 8 PM IST
Due date of punishment: 16th Feb 2025, 3.30 PM IST

The above decisions have been received from The Almighty Holy Mother Nature and communicated to all through this media. Nevertheless, you will be kept updated of any amendments.

We neither expect nor entertain any reply to this pronouncement.

Acharai Shri Barat Venkit,

A humble servant and representative of “The Almighty Holy Mother Nature”, and Scholar of Ateendriya Ancient Science.

Date of issuance: 15th Aug 2022, 8 PM IST

Trivandrum, India

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