Death warrant – Batch 7


Death warrant – Batch 7

Abolition of all activities of terrorism. Terrorists who are involving in killing of innocent people shall be imposed death sentenceissued by the Supreme order of “The Almighty Holy Mother Nature”.

  • Date of issuance of this pronouncement: 15th Aug 2022, 8 PM IST
  • Date of implementation of this new pronouncement: 29th Nov 2022, 8 PM IST
  • This order will be in force all over the world with effect from: 29th Nov 2022, 8 PM IST
  • Due date of punishment: 16th Feb 2025, 3.30 PM IST

Terrorism is violence promoted by a group of individuals under the leadership of one or many to achieve their narrow-minded objectives. It would be political, religious, economical or a combination of many. Now-a-days, it is a war against non-combatants. Mostly innocent civilians are targeted to spread violence, fear and commotion among the people around. Terrorism is a criminal act committed by criminals domestically or internationally.

Leaders of these criminal violent groups set their so-called ideological goals such as those of a political, religious, social, racial etc to get volunteers, followers, sympathizers, financial supporters etc.

Terrorist groups amass wealth and costly ammunitions when their services are being utilized by political parties, corporate companies, governments etc. They have access to all latest costly mass-killing weapons, efficient surveillance equipment, high-speed vehicles and hi-tech training for their loyal members to get training to use sophisticated weapons received from sponsoring nations. This is how a domestic terrorist group gains power and becomes international terrorist organization. They capture a territory of a weak nation and establish their head-quarters there. They take advantage of the enmity between two nations. Terrorists do not respect any rule or regulation. They mercilessly kill people for the sake of amassing wealth and weapons. They kidnap and abuse women and children to satisfy their sadistic pleasure. Terrorists capture and kill youngsters for their internal body organs which has high value in the international market. They make tie-ups with various super speciality hospitals and ensure steady supply of human organs. They use human as bombs for large-scale destruction and killing of innocent people, mostly without the knowledge or consent of the carrier, though they claim it as suicide forces. This is how they establish their presence and dominance as an active terror group. They use drones to destroy high-value properties of enemies and kill innocent people as many as possible.

All terrorists are hereby warned to stop all kinds of violence. Any terrorist(s), individuals, groups, organizations, promoters, sponsors violating this proclamation issued by the Almighty Holy Mother Nature shall be condemned to irrevocable death penalty. The punishment shall be imposed to all the individuals who have committed the crime, their local leaders, their regional leaders and their head of the group, their local sponsors, national sponsors, international sponsors.

One time amnesty:

Amnesty is extended to all members of terrorist groups/organizations, provided they have to unconditionally surrender to the respective government authorities. Governments shall accept them and extend all possible support to bring them back into the law-abiding society. Governments should make all possible plans to make use of their talents as much as possible for the development of the society and nation. However, the surrendered leaders of terrorist group will have to undergo trial in the respective judicial court. They will have to accept punishments as declared by the court of justice. This opportunity is to be given just once only by all nations. Nations can announce and depute special centres to facilitate terrorist groups to surrender their weapons and surrender themselves to the law-enforcing authorities. All these are to be done within the due date.

Ordinary members of terrorist groups must be given unconditional pardon and release them from all offenses, provided they are asked to do the following:

  1. Make each one of them to plant 500 saplings of long-life trees in governments lands.
  2. These individuals are supposed to take good care of these plants as a remedial measure for the offenses they have committed.

Each plant will represent 30 days of their life. Any shortage of plants therefore will be at the cost of their lifespan to that extent. All rules of “Plant 30 saplings” plan towards the remedial measure will be applicable to all those who fall into this category. Leaders of terrorist groups are not entitled for these mass-amnesty. Leader means a leader of 5 or more individuals of the terrorist group.

All sponsorers of terrorists shall remit 50% value of their entire property (movable and immovable) in Option 1 or Option 2 remedial measures within the due date for their offenses of supporting terrorists. Violators will be punished with irrevocable death sentence.

Governments must understand that the root cause of terrorism is due to your bad governance. It is on account of your inaction, inappropriate action, delayed action or insufficient action. It is on account of your discrimination and exploitation. Your direct and indirect involvement therefore cannot be ignored. Governments must compensate all affected people of terror attack. The compensation should be not less than the pension of a gazette ranked officer of the government, which is to be extended to people who have been seriously injured and handicapped and cannot live without other’s support. Compensatory package for others should be calculated and given to all living individuals attacked by terrorists. All these packages should be prepared and announced under the direct supervision of a supreme court judge, which shall be completed within 240 days from the date of implementation of this pronouncement. All law-makers will be held responsible if this is not complied within the timeframe.

All of you must understand that invisible Natural forces are tracing and tracking every moment of your life. You will be accountable for all your inappropriate actions and actions that are against the instructions issued by the Supreme Almighty Holy Mother Nature. Your foolishness or over-smartness will be at the cost of your life itself. Do not waste your time in worthless discussions and debates. Your over-smartness and unproductive arguments will lead to nothing but a miserable end of your life itself. Those who indulge in criticisms and create confusions among the general public will be punished with serious illness and failure of internal organs.

However refer The only solution to escape from the punishment of irrevocable death sentence.

Date of issuance of this pronouncement:  15th Aug 2022, 8 PM IST
Date of implementation of this new pronouncement:  29th Nov 2022, 8 PM IST
This order will be in force all over the world with effect from: 29th Nov 2022, 8 PM IST
Due date of punishment: 16th Feb 2025, 3.30 PM IST

The above decisions have been received from The Almighty Holy Mother Nature and communicated to all through this media. Nevertheless, you will be kept updated of any amendments.

We neither expect nor entertain any reply to this pronouncement.

Acharai Shri Barat Venkit,

A humble servant and representative of “The Almighty Holy Mother Nature”, and Scholar of Ateendriya Ancient Science.

Date of issuance: 15th Aug 2022, 8 PM IST

Trivandrum, India

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