Roles and responsibilities of the Head of United Nations under the new regime of administration

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Roles and responsibilities of the Head of United Nations under the new regime of administration

United Nations Organization is supposed to be the in-charge of controlling and maintenance of international peace and security, pertaining to human rights, supporting sustainable development, controlling pollution and global warming process, upholding the international law. These are some of the prime responsibilities of the organization.

Unfortunately none of these parameters are achieved even after over 78 years of its existence. UN remains as a mere spectator in the midst of a conflict between two nations or between two groups of nations. UN also acts like an obedient servant in front of countries with VETO power. UN is unable to take active role to suppress wherever human rights violations are taking place even in a small nation. UN is not participating actively in controlling various types of pollution . All its activities end after making some non-committed and truthless statements, though they conduct meetings with regular intervals.

The existence and position of this organization needs to be strengthened and their active role must be ensured in the following areas.

  1. In all pollution control activities.
  2. To contain and control green gas emissions.
  3. To coordinate with nations to find out alternative 100% eco-friendly energy production technology.
  4. To discard polluting energy production technologies.
  5. To take strict action against people who are engaged in human rights violation in any country.
  6. To end war between warring nations.
  7. To disarm nations holding nuclear weapons.
  8. To disarm nations holding chemical weapons.
  9. To disarm nations holding biological weapons.
  10. To isolate nations who support terrorist activities.
  11. To take time-bound action plan to control global warming phenomenon.

UN will shoulder more responsibilities in the new regime of administration. Some of the important plans of action and guidelines are given below.

  1. Only UN shall have VETO power henceforth.
  2. All nations in the world will report to UN including nations without memberships.
  3. UN shall obey all the fundamental guidelines of the new regime of administration.
  4. UN shall enforce the new constitution constituted within the framework of the new regime of administration in all nations
  5. UN should re-draft all the existing policies and constitutions of UN in accordance with the framework of the new regime of administration.
  6. UN shall implement all fundamental guidelines of the new regime of administration in letter and spirit.
  7. UN shall establish law and order and coordinate with all the nations for the same.
  8. UN shall implement uniform currency as per the details mentioned in fundamental guidelines.
  9. Head of UN shall update M/s. Gurukripa Enterprises about the present status of conflicts if any and attempts made so far. UN shall warn such warring nations that they will be blacklisted and de-barred from UN membership if they continue to war.
  10. UN must inform M/s. Gurukripa Enterprises and request for the interference to establish peace and tranquility between warring nations.
  11. UN shall take active roles in resolving issues between the disputed nations. UN shall take help of M/s. Gurukripa Enterprises if they fail to put an end to conflicts for establishing peace. The decision of M/s. Gurukripa Enterprises will be the final. The concerned nations shall oblige and restrain from all types of disputes and conflicts. If the decision of M/s. Gurukripa Enterprises is violated, the violating Head of the nations will be punished with death sentence.
  12. Nations will be directed by the new regime of administration to allocate certain fund to UN to carry out their responsibilities and programs as given in the fundamental guidelines of new regime of administration.
  13. UN must have fully equipped lab to test the efficacy of various medicines, vaccinations and their partial effects. All such vaccinations until then will be withheld from the public. UN must study about vaccinations, how many vaccinations can safely be administered to humans, what are the impacts of such vaccinations on the overall performance of the body, how far they will affect the general immunity power of the body etc. UN should study the impact of most disputed Corona vaccination and publish the implications of these vaccinations in the public domain. Some of the nations are forcing individuals to take untested vaccinations. UN must interfere in such matters and announce your ruling on the matter.
  14. UN must coordinate with all nations to publish the new constitution of the new regime of administration. UN also should make a draft policy of UN and international laws to be followed by all nations. UN must forward half yearly progress report to M/s. Gurukripa Enterprises about the enforcement of the new regime of administration.
  15. Head of UN shall update action plan report to prevent global warming process in the meeting between M/s. Gurukripa Enterprises and Head of UN.
  16. UN shall evaluate requirements of various wings of the organization and their roles and responsibilities. This evaluation report should be one of the points of discussion in the meeting.
  17. UN shall update the process to elect officials in UN to M/s. Gurukripa Enterprises.
  18. UN shall update M/s. Gurukripa Enterprises about the status of energy generation requirements in the context of shutting down nuclear, thermal, petroleum based, hydel, solar, wind mill projects etc. as they are contributing to environmental pollution and global warming process.
  19. UN shall update M/s. Gurukripa Enterprises about various ways and means to overcome the crisis in the power sector.
  20. UN shall update M/s. Gurukripa Enterprises the scientific systems to process organic waste, bio non degradable waste etc.
  21. UN shall update M/s. Gurukripa Enterprises, their monitoring mechanisms to prevent dumping of waste to water bodies.
  22. UN shall update M/s. Gurukripa Enterprises about the new pending applications to become member nations.
  23. UN shall update M/s. Gurukripa Enterprises about the proposed plan of action to be taken on defaulting nations on various responsibilities and tasks.
  24. UN shall coordinate with nations to review the progress made on developing self sufficient farm villages all over the world. This is to be taken up on a priority basis as the global flood is fast approaching. If something substantial is not done to reduce the pollution rate from the environment immediately, the disaster may occur even earlier than predicted. The disaster has got direct link with the rate of pollution in the environment. Self-sufficient farm village is the only escape route to save humanity from the disaster. UN officials should update M/s. Gurukripa Enterprises on the progress made on self-sufficient farms nation-wise. UN should impose strict action on nations who are slow in implementing the project and appreciate nations who are able to achieve the set target well in advance. Considering the geography of each nation, UN should fix targets on the number of farms nation-wise per year.
  25. UN shall review the performance of each nation on all activities, specially focusing on environmental aspects. If the nation does not progress substantially as per the targets, UN shall update M/s. Gurukripa Enterprises during the meetings. If the matter is serious enough, removal of the Head of the nation becomes necessary. If the matter is urgent, UN shall request for urgent meetings with M/s. Gurukripa Enterprises. UN shall announce removal of Head of the nation after obtaining approval from M/s. Gurukripa Enterprises in writing.
  26. Violation of the above will be viewed seriously and Head of UN will be the most responsible person for such violations. The Head of UN shall report to M/s. Gurukripa Enterprises why no action should be taken against the organization and against the Head of the organization.
  27. Heads of departments of UN will be appointed by Head of UN.

All the corrupted officials of UN including the Head of UN will have to face death warrant punishment, if they do not make use of the final chance to escape from the punishment as provided in Amnesty scheme.

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