Education department

Education department

Formulating national policy on education and to ensure that it is implemented in letter and spirit is the fundamental role of the department. Providing quality and job-oriented education should be the priority. Teaching something that will never be in use in our day-to-day life must be avoided completely from the syllabus.

Fundamental guidelines for the department

I. Radical change is required in the educational system. The present system does not encourage multi-faceted talents. The source of acquiring knowledge cannot be caged and cannot be tied down with limited entry and exit route. The real knowledge comes in hundreds of ways. It cannot be limited to just one path. The present educational system is therefore too handicapped with many disabilities. The outcome of this present system is a colossal waste of time and almost worthless.

The department must constitute an expert panel who should be free from all political links and affiliations. They should design a detailed primary educational system covering all basic necessities with a maximum duration of 3 to 4 years. This primary educational system should be made compulsory and free for all citizens. Children before the age of 4 years will not be permitted to join preliminary/primary course. The department must constitute expert panel for each and every subject, covering all possible aspects of human life, Nature, atmosphere, health and hygiene, basic science of human body etc. There could be hundreds of main subjects and thousands of affiliated subjects. Masters can emerge in each subject through this revised system. There shall be nothing called formal education other than the primary school education as explained above. The remaining are informal or beyond formal with unlimited boundaries. In order to get entry to this primary formal education, there shall be no age bar. The entry shall be restricted 100% on merit-basis. A child with an age of 5 years may get an entry, a teenager or an adult may not get an entry if he/she is not successful in the selection procedures. The interview panel will decide whether the candidate is qualified (physically, mentally and intellectually) to get an admission. The purpose of education, whether formal or informal, whether self-taught or taken training from others is to acquire knowledge and excel in the preferred subject, and acquire fair knowledge on important aspects of life, about the society, about Nature etc. The individual thereafter becomes jack of all and master of one or few.

The roles and responsibilities of the expert panel are very critical in the new revised educational system. They must consult with M/s. Gurukripa Enterprises before finalizing the action plan in the new revised educational policy. All governments must comply and complete this process on or before 122 days from the date of enforcement of the new regime of administration. UN may take lead role in such matters and help nations to finalize the new revised educational system. The target of 122 days must be adhered by all governments without fail, failing which the same shall be reflected as condemning of the new regime of administration. All condemned actions are punishable.

II. Immediately after the preliminary education, specialized courses for skill development begins. Students will be attaining the age of 8 years by this time. Skill development courses in each selected subject will be conducted at the centre as listed below:

  1. Three year course :- on successful completion of the course, he/she will be known as Technician.
  2. Five year course (including the above i.e., 3+2=5) :- on successful completion of the course, he/she will be known as Sr. Technician.
  3. Seven year course (including the above i.e., 5+2=7):- on successful completion of the course, he/she will be known as Master of the trade.
  4. Nine year course (including the above i.e., 7+2=9):- on successful completion of the course, he/she will be known as Specialist in the trade.

A specialist will be capable to attend to any aspects of the trade. A specialist should be able to focus at this stage to invent new techniques, equipment, methods, style to improve the productivity, aesthetic beauty of the trade and its products. A specialist can head skill development division anywhere in the world.

This means a person can become a specialist even at the age of 17 years if he/she is successfully completing the course. A specialist will be in great demand and their life will be full of opportunities all over the world. He/she need not waste time hunting for job, writing competitive exams etc. He/she will be highly paid with all facilities. There will be few specialists atleast in the initial period.

A specialist can also look into developing a career as an entrepreneur. Technicians, Sr. Technicians and Masters of trade are ready to take up employment and build up their professional career in the initial stages of their life. They will get enough opportunities to develop their hobbies apart from the trade. They will be economically reasonably fit enough to look after themselves without much dependence on their parents. They can become assets to their families, societies and the nation.

Parents who are not interested in sending their children to this new career-oriented educational system can opt for normal educational system presently available. The new educational system will not be forcibly thrusted upon anyone. Accommodating the entire students into the new educational system may not be possible in the initial stages. Moreover admission to preliminary course and skill development courses are restricted to students who qualify the aptitude test and other selection processes.

III. Preliminary/primary education must be made compulsory for all the students at free of cost.

IV. Any education after the preliminary/primary education will be based on fee as prescribed by the department. Hence salary of teachers will be borne by the respective institutions except for the primary/preliminary educational institutions.

  • Existing teachers and lecturers can opt for pre-mature retirement or join the new educational system, provided the institution is prepared to absorb them.
  • Self-awareness/body measurement science written and published by M/s. Gurukripa Enterprises with the influence of Internal and External Energies of The Holy and Almighty Nature will help parents and teachers to determine, find out inherent qualities of the child. Parents and teachers in preliminary education play a crucial role in deciding the specialization subject of the child.
  • Teachers who are in the panel of aptitude test while giving admissions should refer the body measurement analyzing methods as given in Self-awareness. This will help them to make an error-free judgement in a very short span of time.

Other terms:

  • Maximum age is not a bar for seeking admission in preliminary/primary education or skill development courses. However, admission to join skill development courses will be strictly based on successfully passing the aptitude test and other selection criteria conducted by the respective institutions. Education department officials in-charge must monitor these activities without fail.
  • Admission to skill development courses is permitted at the beginning of the course and not in between. This means no fresh admission is to be given to anyone in 3rd year, 5th year or 7th year.
  • Admission to skill development courses based on successful completion of the three or four year preliminary/primary education or on successful completion of 7th standard in the normal educational system that is presently available.
  • All teachers must appear for teaching ability test and knowledge test on each subject of curriculum.
  • Teachers who fail in the examination cannot continue as a teacher irrespective of their academical qualification. This is applicable to all teaching staff including the existing teachers in the employment. Teachers who fail must be forcefully given voluntary retirement. Those who hesitate to take pre-mature voluntary retirement must be dismissed from the service with immediate effect by the department.
  • Basic educational qualification to teach skill development courses is Post Graduation in the respective subject with three-year experience in teaching. Or ten years of experience in the trade with/without any formal academical education. However, selection must be strictly made on merit-basis. There should be a written test and interview conducted by a panel of unbiased experts.
  • The department must lay down norms based on the guidelines on all areas in details.
  • Students who successfully complete skill development course and become specialists must be given preference while selecting teachers in future.
  • 10% of the teachers in each trade shall be selected from people with no official formal academic background. However, they must successfully go through the entrance test, both written and oral. It is to noted that knowledge can be gained from many sources. It is not necessary that it should be by official formal academical route. Non-acceptance of this reality is one of the fundamental mistakes of the present formal educational policy. There are highly talented people possessing deep knowledge in different subjects in the society, although they do not have any formal education. Opportunities must be given to make use of such self-grown people. There are chances that such people could be far better than the formally educated ones as they are rich in practical knowledge. They can perhaps even train the teachers. The teachers should learn from them their abundant knowledge. We can find very many examples of such people in the society. Refer the topics “List of successful personalities with poor or moderate academic background”, “Some of the billionaires without college degree”, “Famous authors without college degree or in some cases not even entered college”. Their unique learning techniques and methods will add more colors in the educational system.
  • Education department shall extend correspondence courses to all self-sufficient farm villages. Education department should depute an official to educate the farm members on various courses available, duration of the course, qualification for the courses, fee structure, procedure and date of application etc. Education department must conduct examinations in the farm, provided a minimum of 15 students are applying for various courses in a farm.

Subjects covered in skill development courses

  1. Digital science
  2. Hotel management (administration, marketing and accounts)
  3. Graphic designing (including imaginative intelligence)
  4. Accountancy
  5. Information technology
  6. Digital marketing
  7. Architecture and Vastu-shastra
  8. Cosmetology
  9. Dental care (both in traditional and modern ways)
  10. Radiology
  11. Mining and mine survey
  12. Textile engineering
  13. Mass media and film studies
  14. Utilization of mechanical energy in engineering science
  15. Electrical engineering
  16. Electronic engineering
  17. Chemical engineering – focusing on harmless chemical elements
  18. Civil engineering
    • Below the land surface
    • Above the land surface
  19. Mathematics
  20. Physics
  21. Environmental engineering
  22. Automobiles
    • Heavy vehicles
    • Four wheelers
    • Two wheelers
  23. Aircraft engineering
  24. Software engineering
  25. Carpentry engineering
  26. Website development
  27. Molding and dye making
  28. Sculpturing
  29. Painting
  30. Classical dance
  31. Martial arts
  32. Yoga
  33. Cooking and nutritional science
  34. Repairing of electronic gadgets
  35. Repairing of electrical gadgets
  36. Repairing of heavy duty machineries
  37. Recycling of various types of waste
  38. Botanical science
  39. Study of Panchabhooth

Skill development courses gives opportunity to excel in the trade and become an expert to manage affairs independently. He/she becomes employable from day 1 onwards, once out of the campus. It is both theoretical as well as practical studies.

The department head must convene meetings with senior officials of the department and make a complete draft of rules, regulations and by-law of each and every function of the department. This is 100% required for the smooth functioning of the department. You must ensure that these by-laws are framed in accordance with the fundamental guidelines of the new regime of administration. All the existing rules and regulations of the department will automatically become null and void with the introduction of the new regime of administration. All employees must follow the new rules and regulations in letter and spirit without fail.

The draft must be framed 100% in accordance with the guidelines of the new regime of administration and forward the same to HR department, who will go through the draft and re-confirm all aspects of the by-laws including the man power requirement. HR department has to reconfirm that the rules and regulations are not contradicting with the fundamental guidelines of the new regime of administration and put up the same to the head of the nation for final approval. The approved draft thereafter becomes a rule, regulation and by-law of the department. This must be done on a war-footing basis. The entire process must be completed within a time limit of 122 days from the date of enforcement of the new regime of administration. The final approved rules and regulations of the department will be the new constitution of the new regime of administration for the department. The process of incorporating any changes, amendments, alterations, additions or deletions can be suggested by the head of the department at a later stage and the same has to be forwarded to HR department for scrutiny and should be sent to the head of the nation for ratification. A printed copy of this new constitution has to be given to all senior officials within the department and a copy each to all other heads of the departments for their reference.

Violation of the above guidelines will result in nothing less than death warrant. The invisible forces of Nature are tracing and tracking every moment of all of you. Do not take any risk of violating the guidelines of the new regime of administration. It will be at the cost of your life.

All the corrupted people will have to face death warrant punishment, if they do not make use of the final chance to escape from the punishment as provided in Amnesty scheme.

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