Public Works Development department

Public Works Development department

This department will be in-charge of designing, planning, monitoring, constructing and undertaking maintenance of all types of public works of the government. They are responsible for buildings, roads, bridges and all types of constructions for public amenities and irrigation etc. This department normally engages private contractors for construction. It is a public known secret that it is one of the most corrupted department in many of the nations. Corruption has gone to the extent that not even 50% of the allotted fund is utilized for the actual work. All such underhand dealings are at the cost of construction and its quality.

This tendency is seen especially in most of the democratically elected governments and also in some of the nations ruled by irresponsible kings. Anyhow it is now going to be a thing of the past. Those who want to be alive must stop taking bribe. You will have to face the consequences even if there is an illegal dealing of 1 paisa or in the form of any undue benefit.

  • The engineers in the department must ensure that quality is not compromised at any point of construction.
  • The contractor must undertake maintenance contract at their own expenses in case of minor or major repairs for a minimum period of 10 years for roads, 22 years in the case of bridges, 45 years in case of concrete buildings and 70 years in the case of construction of dams. If the contractor is not willing to undertake timely maintenance, the department will undertake the maintenance directly and the amount must be recovered from the contractor, confiscating his movable and immovable properties.
  • Irresponsible, inefficient officials must be removed from the office. The divisional heads must carryout this action and maintain a team of experts – sincere, dedicated and efficient workforce.
  • Inefficient contractors must be removed from the panel and ensure that the work is completed in time. Their names should be blacklisted, published in the common internet forum and sent to all departments.
  • The department must seek innovative methods of cost effective and long-lasting constructions. You need to have a research team for this purpose. You can contact M/s. Gurukripa Enterprises to adopt latest and hi-tech technologies for this purpose if required.
  • You must stop collecting tolls from electrically operated vehicles.
  • Salaries, pensions, expenses of the department will be borne by the central government and all the remaining expenditure of the department including cost of constructions must be regulated within the allotted fund of the department.
  • The department in consultation with all other concerned departments shall involve in demolition activities of unutilized buildings from the evicted places. This has to be done with consent of the building owner. Finance department shall fix a rate per sq. ft. for the building to be demolished. This amount has to be remitted to the building owner. The debris of the demolished building has to be made use as raw materials for the construction of compound walls and other constructions in self-sufficient farm village. The raw materials like sand, iron, rocks, wood, bricks/cement blocks etc. have to be segregated and delivered to the respective sites. Iron materials to be collected separately and to be given for melting. No deficiency of raw materials should be experienced in any construction site of self-sufficient farms. The department can also make use of the raw materials for building roads and bridges etc.

The department head must convene meetings with senior officials of the department and make a complete draft of rules, regulations and by-law of each and every function of the department. This is 100% required for the smooth functioning of the department. You must ensure that these by-laws are framed in accordance with the fundamental guidelines of the new regime of administration. All the existing rules and regulations of the department will automatically become null and void with the introduction of the new regime of administration. All employees must follow the new rules and regulations in letter and spirit without fail.

The draft must be framed 100% in accordance with the guidelines of the new regime of administration and forward the same to HR department, who will go through the draft and re-confirm all aspects of the by-laws including the man power requirement. HR department has to reconfirm that the rules and regulations are not contradicting with the fundamental guidelines of the new regime of administration and put up the same to the head of the nation for final approval. The approved draft thereafter becomes a rule, regulation and by-law of the department. This must be done on a war-footing basis. The entire process must be completed within a time limit of 122 days from the date of enforcement of the new regime of administration. The final approved rules and regulations of the department will be the new constitution of the new regime of administration for the department. The process of incorporating any changes, amendments, alterations, additions or deletions can be suggested by the head of the department at a later stage and the same has to be forwarded to HR department for scrutiny and should be sent to the head of the nation for ratification. A printed copy of this new constitution has to be given to all senior officials within the department and a copy each to all other heads of the departments for their reference.

Violation of the above guidelines will result in nothing less than death warrant. The invisible forces of Nature are tracing and tracking every moment of all of you. Do not take any risk of violating the guidelines of the new regime of administration. It will be at the cost of your life.

All the corrupted people will have to face death warrant punishment, if they do not make use of the final chance to escape from the punishment as provided in Amnesty scheme.

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